Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Hello World!

Hello world…it has been over 2 ½ months since my last post, and I was not planning on posting anything for another week or so, however, this could not wait. You see, I do not normally post personal “information” on this blog, but I figured I would make an exception due to the magnitude of this news…well...

Andrea and I are expecting our second child sometime in the middle of April :-) !!!

Well, I have to get back to studying …talk with you all in about a week!


Ryan Schmitz said...

Glad to know that you are still out there. Congratulations on expecting your second. Good luck!

kate debaene said...

CONGRATULATIONS! can't wait to catch up with you all soon. macy will be a great big sister!

Jaena said...

Yea! We are so excited for you all!

pk said...

Looking forward to meeting her/him.

Dave & Lynnette Mason said...

CONGRATES!! We are both very excited for you! I'll never forget the morning when Andrea called me at the office to say that her water broke...(Macy was on her way) I had a very "blonde" moment and thought the water pipe broke in your house:)

Michael Moore said...


Keith Drury said...

Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! Catchin' up to Kara! ;-)

Krista M. Vickers said...

It's wonderful news, Jeremy! We're on the road to our second's arrival as well, and let me tell goes QUICK! So, get started sooner than later otherwise you'll put it all off...
Have a great...7ish months!

Karen said...

Yeah Jeremy and Andrea! So very happy for you both. Happy Baby!

ShelbyP said...

Congrats! So freakin' amazing!!! Can I just tell you that I always click on the link that says 'Summers Family' and I every time I am shocked to see the pics of you and Andrea and Macy and not those of your parents and Jeremy! HA!!!

ShelbyP said...

...I mean Nathan and yourself!!!

Jenn Swift said...

Now this is what I find funny about you two... you HAVE to post that you are expecting - Andrea adds it as an almost Post Script to her most recent blog. You've always been the girl, she's always been the guy. :)


Brian B said...

Dude maybe if you have a boy and we have a girl 2 months later...humm? in 20 years or just never know! ha!